Monday, January 21, 2008

Operation Aqua Duck! and related stories

It is day 2 of Operation Aqua Duck. After an entire week (actually longer because Nan ignored my first maintenance request) of enduring a soggy bathroom floor, Meems and I engineered a great plan to catch the constant leak from our overhead light. The genius creation consists of a plastic Fred Meyer bag and 6 thumbtacks. As you can see, the water is accumulating nicely and we have not had to tip toe around our miniture bathroom since yesterday afternoon!

However, as Meems and I got home from school today I noticed a ladder in the middle of our room and the ceiling had a gaping hole in it. I wondered to myself... what's going on? And then I said, "Hey do you think someone is up there?" From which I heard a reply billowing from above- "Yes! There is somebody up here!" Meems and I laughed joyfully to find that a small Hispanic man was working feverishly above us to fix the leaks. The creepiest part of the whole ordeal was that Jif was home before us and didn't even realize that the leak-fixer man was in our apartment! She was too busy rummaging for an afterschool snack, so it's completely understandable. Yet creepy...

Anyway, after an unknown amount of time (but enough for me to finish my hamburger helper left-overs and one slice of pizza, and for Meems to devour whatever it is that she eats plus veggies) our new friend emerged from our room to report that he fixed the pipes, unfortunately our problem will most likely remain because the roof is leaking anyway and Nan doesn't listen. (Nan being our sweet, yet elderly landlord). His news was discouraging but all moods were lifted when I asked him if he liked our bag-creation and he replied in a movie-esque Mexican accent, "Yes! It is pretty neat!" Anyway, he was on his way and we are left with boosted self-confidence and drippy ceilings in both bathrooms.

In other news, we had a roommate meeting today to discuss how to split the power bill from December. It was completely ridiculous because tensions were high for far too long before Jezzy realized that Meems and I paying 15$ each and Jif and Jez paying 30$ is really just about a 7 dollar difference, if splitting 4-ways amounts to 22.50$. When that realization was made, all was well and we had a fun chat about passive-aggressiveness and Jif's scary mad face and my scariness all around.
Moral Lesson: Confict Resolution is important and being scary is not helpful.

Here's to the first edition of the Triple Crown Run Down
-Sporty out!